Facility Performance Associates provides a coordinated set of services that result in high performance systems and facilities that maximize the efficiency of both the building and the occupants, thus producing increased profits for both entities. FPA is one of very few companies that provide all of these services as one set of coordinated functions. These services include the following:
Commissioning, as a process, has been included as a requirement in many national codes and standards, including the International Energy Efficiency Code, and the International Green Construction Code.
Air Quality Testing and Ventilation Programs
Research has verified over many years that proper ventilation and high-quality air supplied to occupied spaces improves the performance of buildings and their occupants.
Energy and Green Code Reviews and Inspections
Many jurisdictions have adopted the International Energy Conservation Code. This code is based on the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 with some modifications.
LEED and Certification Programs
Studies by the USEPA indicate that on average most people spend over 90% of their time indoors. Additionally, those buildings consume over 40% of the energy produced.
Building Performance, Energy Simulations, and Investigations
The LEED program and under some code circumstances requires that the facility design be verified for conformance to a required level of energy efficiency.
Contact Us
We’re committed to providing quality solutions for your facilities. Get in touch with our team for more information